House Concurrent Resolution 1

(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Thompson)

[Introduced and Adopted on January 12, 2011]




            “Extending an invitation to the President of the Senate, as Acting Governor, to deliver an address to the Legislature and raising a Joint Assembly therefor.”



            WHEREAS, The President of the Senate, as Acting Governor, advises that he will be pleased to address a Joint Assembly of the House of Delegates and Senate at the convenience of the two houses; therefore, be it



            Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:


            That the President of the Senate, as Acting Governor, be hereby invited to address a Joint Assembly of the Legislature at 7:00 o’clock postmeridian this day; and, be it


            Further Resolved, That the Speaker of the House and the Acting President of the Senate appoint three members of each of their respective houses of the Legislature as a Committee to wait upon the President of the Senate, as Acting Governor, and escort him into the Hall of the House of Delegates at the time herein appointed for hearing the address.